Eris’s Personal Website


Hi! My name is Eris Null. I'm a nineteen year old full-time college student and part-time worker living in Texas, USA. There isn’t much rhyme or reason behind this site other than a particular desire to gush about stuff I really enjoy and also to save my bookmarks and other resources. Coding is a fun hobby of mine that soothes my mind, and I’m learning programming for my major anyway, so I might as well commit to the bit.

What Can Be Found Here

I mostly have info about myself, what I make, things I adore, resources I utilize, and websites I’ve bookmarked. The vast majority of the content here serves as a repository for personal data of all kinds, namely my interests and general info about me and what I make online.

Please Note

This website will likely be under construction until the end of time to be honest. I always randomly get ideas for this. However, I’m super busy with schoolwork most of the time and therefore often neglect the site ;w; hehe
