
This page is a section of my website that has all sorts of different links to various websites. This isn’t only for my personal use, but I encourage other people to utilize the links here too! This is a miscellaneous hub of lots of different sites across the web that I like to visit often.

What Can Be Found Here?

Here, I’ve pasted myriad different links for all sorts of different reasons and purposes! A lot of these are just pages that I’ve personally bookmarked, but I have waaaay too many bookmarks so I’m pasting them into my website for storage instead.

This section of my site also functions as a sort of hub for different resources for website building and design, along with some other related digital stuff of the like.


As the title here implies, the “bookmarks” section here contains various miscellaneous websites I’ve bookmarked for some reason or another. This section is mostly for my own personal use, but obviously other people can take a look at it and see what I have stored away in the reserves hehe :3


The “graphics” page has links to all things graphics! I don’t really make graphics, so nothing of my own creation will be featured here. Links to sites that host things like dividers, teeny pixels, pagedolls, and other images can be found here! The graphics websites linked are ideal for website design / construction or other kinds of profile building. This section is definitely the largest of all of the links sections, so take note of that while browsing!


This page is very specifically for other people to utilize! I mean sure I’ll still use some of the stuff here, but the broad majority of the links here are helpful pages about HTML & CSS and other guides for related things. There are also some other helpful tools for coding, writing, art, and other stuff too! I hope anyone who visits finds it helpful~!